Zoo Visit to Bandung Zoological Garden and Lembang Park & Zoo
Tuesday - January 14, 2020 6:49 pm     Article Hits:415     A+ | a-
PKBSI chairman, DR. H. Rahmat Shah, did a zoo visit to PKBSI member in West Java. Bandung Zoological Garden was the first zoo visited in this activity, on January 12th 2020. Along with PKBSI Secretary General, Tony Sumampau, they observed the development of the zoo. They also gave suggestions and inputs for the improvement of Bandung Zoological Garden.

The next visit was on January 13th 2020 at Lembang Park & Zoo. The zoo, that has just officially promoted as PKBSI member in the 2019 Annual Meeting in Bintan, is the modern concept and thematic zoo in West Bandung Regency. Lembang Park & Zoo has developed better in the past few years and being a good example for the other zoo that is developing.